The Forum's mentoring project

The Forum's mentoring project

Monday, 22 April 2013

Improving Access to Primary Healthcare in London

Check out this exciting new collaborative project between MRCF, the London Deanery and NHS London designed to facilitate migrants and refugees' access to primary healthcare.


Migrant & Refugee Communities Forum (MRCF): Improving access to primary healthcare in London


Migrants and refugees often face a huge challenge to get the health care that they need due to a complex asylum process and a lack of understanding from doctors of their needs and entitlements. Many have come from countries where there is no primary health care system. On top of this, language and cultural differences often make it difficult for GPs to communicate with people in these communities. 

To help tackle these issues a team of five general practice trainees have joined forces with MRCF, a user-led, community forum working to promote the rights of migrants and refugees in London. MRCF provides a mentoring service for newly arrived migrants and refugees to help them access services and settle in to a new life in London.