The players showed up looking charming and delightful in their When Strangers Become Friends t-shirts provided by The Forum (MRCF). They began with a warm up, took some pictures and introduced themselves, which was the best part, said one of our own, Nick, who was also one of the players. Nick also said that they were a bit confused at the start, not knowing how to begin, but finally got it together!
Freezing and windy weather did not prevent us from enjoying ourselves. The Forum and the Department for Transport were the first organisations present to start the football match. After a half hour, the first goal was scored by Ntambwe, one of The Forum’s players, followed by Amine, who scored three goals. However, the other players were also very good and talented.
When Team London finally arrived, they joined the others for a catch up moment, which led to a friendly and positive atmosphere during the match. The players were playing seriously as if they were in front of cameras and a big audience and gave an impressive performance.