The Forum's mentoring project

The Forum's mentoring project

Monday, 10 December 2012

Media Group Wrap Up

Here's a message from Ujwala on behalf of the Media Group!

The Media Group at The Forum met for the penultimate time this year on 4th December, 2012. We did some revising together. The workshop was about editing pictures using Picasa, discussing what is a good photograph and why to perform basic editing, and attempting to reason why the picture was taken. The group picked their favorite pictures, inserted them into a Word document and typed a few lines about the picture and what it meant to them. At the end of the workshop, they also learnt how to attach the document to an e-mail to share. 

As for the insights gained through the workshop, let me share them in the participants' own words:

This picture was taken by Andrei.

I took this picture because I like the name of market. 

Yellow and blue colours are very nice for me as well, 
which is why I used them while editing the picture.

Fareeda tells us about this picture.

This picture was taken by Adel. 

I like this picture because of the building.    

This picture was taken by Mulugeta.

This picture was taken by me and I edited it. 

I like this picture because these two things are quite 
usual in London. Everywhere you can see people having 
a cup of coffee and fiddling with their mobile phones.      

Alain tells us about this picture.

This is the sunset at Portobello by Omid. 
I was not there when the artist took this picture but I can 
guess that it was the sunset at Portobello, not far to 
2 Thorpe Close which is the location of MRCF 
where I attend the IT, maths and English class. 
Through this picture I feel like I was there at that 
wonderful time and I say thanks a lot to Omid who 
makes me live that beautiful time through this picture.

This picture was taken by Geraldine.

This picture was taken by me during our media group class.
I edited it and added a frame.
I think it describes the life of an immigrant.

This picture was taken by Adel.

This is a picture I took. I like this picture because I like this place. 

This picture was taken by Andrei and selected 
by Unisa, who tells us what it means to him. 

I selected this particular picture because I love internet 
technology. It is very unique - the scenery, location and 
the colour, which has to do with communication. It 
also tries to reach the ordinary person throughout the
world. The picture also serves as a bridge between the
western world and the under-developed countries.


  1. Thanks for this blog Ujwala and thanks to the Media Group. The pictures look great.

  2. Great photos guys!
