The Forum's mentoring project

The Forum's mentoring project

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Celebrating a Great Year of Activities!

Thanks to Niresha for sharing with us highlights of the June 22 end-of-the-year party.

On Saturday 22nd June, MRCF held a party to celebrate our mentor and mentees’ achievements throughout the year. It was a great day filled with fun, food and laughter and great live performances from our music group. We awarded certificates to our mentors and mentees to recognise the great time and efforts they put into various activities throughout the year.

We had a really good turn out at the event with lots of MRCF faces turning up and enjoying the fun. It’s a shame that the weather wasn’t particularly great that day and we had to move our picnic indoors, but either way we made the best of the day and had a lot of fun.

The party marked the end of a great year of activities and wrapped them up in time for the summer break. We look forward to starting the activities again this September, such as music, maths and English classes, and sewing classes soon. Throughout the party, pictures were projected of some of the products our members had created, such as beautiful sequin dresses made in the sewing classes.

The musical entertainment went down a treat and brought big smiles and joy to everyone. It got everyone involved and singing along, and we also got to see some of our members’ dancing moves!

The whole event was a great catch up with friends at MRCF and was really enjoyable. After a nice summer break, we are looking forward to recommencing our activities and seeing the talents of our members unfold.

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